Music at St. Peter's

Pipe Organ
With nearly one thousand pipes, St. Peter's fine instrument at the hands of a talented organist leads the congregation in powerful, uplifting singing. Other solos in the service set the mood during spiritual reflection.
Voice Choir
The Voice Choir enhances the worship experience with meaningful music. This group really enjoys singing and praising God with music!
No audition is necessary and new singers are welcomed. Rehearsals are fun too!
Hand Bell Choir
The Sanctuary Choir and Bell Choir usually perform on the first Sunday of the month. The Bell Choir has two sets of instruments which they use in bringing greater glory to God. The hand bells have a brighter sound that makes livelier works sparkle while some pieces are better presented with the softer, more mellow voice of the hand chimes. This group also enjoys their rehearsal time and there is usually a need for more ringers, even as substitutes. It is important to be able to read music to perform with this group.
Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Psalm 95:1