News and Events

Here is what will be happening:

2024 Season of Easter to Pentecost

The season from Easter to Pentecost is also called the Great Fifty Days, a tradition inspired by the Jewish season of fifty days between Passover and Shavuot—the feast celebrating the giving of the Torah to Moses.


Save the Date! Centennial Rededication of our Art Glass Windows
Sunday Sept. 22, 2024, 10 AM
Please join us for this celebration! Following the service, will be a Potluck Dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your favorite dish to share. Drinks will be provided and everyone is welcome.
Thank you for supporting St. Peter's UCC!


Potluck Dinner, Sunday May 26, 2024 after worship.
Please join us in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your favorite dish to share. Drinks will be provided and everyone is welcome for food, fun, and fellowship!
Thank you for supporting St. Peter's UCC!

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser, Carry-out only!
Saturday, April 20, 2024 from 4-6:00 PM
$12 ticket includes spaghetti & meatballs, salad, bread & butter, and cookies.
Tickets will be on sale after church (ending April 15) or in the church office.
Thank you for supporting St. Peter's UCC!

2024 Season of Lent

Lent is a season of spiritual preparation before Easter.  It begins on Ash Wednesday.  During Lent, many observe a period of fasting, repentance, moderation, self-denial, and spiritual reflection and discipline.

February 14, 2024    Ash Wednesday

Join Us for Ash Wednesday at 7 PM
Please join us on Feb. 14th for our Ash Wednesday service which begins our season of Lent.
Lent’s three pillars are prayer, fasting and almsgiving–meaning that we’re called to do more than just abstain from a particular food or activity. It involves not only what we’re willing to give up, but what we’re willing to take on. Think about what sort of commitment to prayer and charitable organization that you can commit yourself to during our 40 days and 40 nights of Lent.

March 24, 2024        Palm Sunday  |  10:00 AM
After worship, Circle Six's Easter Bake Sale in the Fellowship Hall.
March 28, 2024        Maundy Thursday  |  7:00 PM  |  Communion
March 29, 2024        Good Friday (no church service)

March 31, 2024        Easter  |  10:00 AM  |  Communion  "Celebrate our Savior!"


That They All May Be One

John 17:21